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Monday, June 02, 2008

I'm an idiot

Or so my boss apparently thinks I am. This morning I had to distribute info sheets to my fellow staffers with our raises for next year. To describe our raises as a pittance would be an understated insult to the word, "pittance." What we'll do with the extra $50 a month (after taxes) we'll never know...perhaps purchase half a tank of gas?

But what irked me was the cover memo my boss included with our info sheets. The raises for staff were a meek 3%, to which the memo reminded us that our higher paid faculty, including my boss, were also held to that 3% standard. Now, I didn't earn membership in five different academic honorary societies because I'm a complete and total farktard. A quick calculation of a 3% raise for my boss reveals that his salary increase in total is five times what mine is. The poor baby! He already makes plenty of money doing God knows what (I do a lot of his work for him), so I certainly hope he can make ends meet with his raise. But I'm an idiot...what do I know?

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