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Monday, November 05, 2007

Getting caught up

Hello, blog. It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted but things have been busy. At home my daughter's been sick, at work I've been occupied trying to get final teaching assignments done for spring. Class planning is challenging and at the same time a combination of being fun and a pain in the ass. But for the moment, I'm working on a newsletter from our department to be sent to our alumni to let them know what we've been up to and to ask for money (the money part is really the reason for doing this). I'm almost done typing in the text of the letter that our department head wrote, and my impression is given the tone of what he's written, this will be as successful in raising funds as Planned Parenthood sending solicitation letters to members of the 700 Club. Cultivating relationships with alums takes time and a fair amount of ass-kissing. This newsletter will not achieve either of those goals. Were I to get this letter, I'd read it, mumble "F-you buddy,"and throw it in the trash with mixed feelings about the department. Then again, whenever I get unsolicited letters from my alma mater, I usually mumble "F-you, buddy," trash the letter, and move on with my life.

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