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Thursday, November 15, 2007

As predicted

It rained last night, which is good. Apparently we have governor Sonny Perdue, who looks like the love child of Curly Howard and Boss Hogg (Dukes of Hazzard), to credit for the rain. On Wednesday he led a group of a few hundred people on the steps of the Georgia state capitol in a prayer session in an attempt to ask God for rain. As he only included a Christian God, it's possible he may have prayed to the wrong god. Perhaps Mohammed, Buddha, Vishnu, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster could've helped us by now. We'll never know. But one thing's for certain: I credit Sonny's office staff keeping tabs on the Weather Channel's web site and their ten day forecast for the coincidental timing of prayer session and the rain.

Of course the rain was part of a strong cold front that's currently blowing in from the northwest. The NSW issued a wind advisory for this area yesterday afternoon, which is not good. My first thought was that strong, gusty winds combined with trees weakened by a severe drought is not a good combination. So far my guess has been correct. First thing this morning a number of building on campus lost power when a tree limb fell onto a power line. I've been listening to the local police scanner today and there have been multiple calls about trees down, including one that landed on someone's car (and they've issued another tree down dispatch as I wrote that sentence).

I love windy days, but I hope it settles down soon. In a few hours I'll have to walk to my car under a canopy of nearly century old oak trees, which are pretty damned big, pretty damned heavy, and pretty damned weakened by the severe lack of rain here.

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