The Juice Ain't Loose
What do the following things have in common: OJ Simpson, a canker sore, a big ol' zit, Jehovahs Witnesses at your front door, Paris Hilton, and George W. Bush? They're all things/people you wish would go away but for whatever reason they simply don't. The only thing worse than a narcissistic sociopath who thinks he's a one-man police force kicking in doors and terrorizing memorabilia dealers with guns is a narcissistic sociopath who's gotten away with murder, as he's committed the worst crime imaginable and gotten away with it. A concept like culpability has no meaning to people such as OJ. When I was growing up OJ was one of my gridiron heroes. Now he's just a sad, pathetic man. True, OJ owes me nothing for my youthful admiration. But he's the reason why I no longer hold any professional athlete in any esteem.
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