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Friday, August 31, 2007

Here we go again

It's that time of year's time for college football!! Granted, I love fall and college football. It's a genetic thing that runs in my family; I may or may not explain in a future post about sports in my family and our genetic predisposition to be competitive. But while I love the college football season, I hate what it does to this campus and our town. Starting on Thursdays every podunk with 8 functional braincells and a drivers license (or 5 functioning braincells and no license) begins to filter into town to get a head start on bar hopping, getting hammered, and starting fist fights. Which is a shame because the landscaping crews around here do a very good job of preparing the campus for visitors. Oh, they'll clean up the trash quite well around the stadium, but come Monday the rest of the campus will look like multiple garbage trucks overturned and scattered their contents to the four winds. But on the plus side, with the serious drought we've had around here this summer, the grass will be welcoming of the extra urine, the shrubbery agreeable to the vomit.

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