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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Four in a row

Even though I do like my job, I've found it's in my best interest to keep one shoulder on the wheel while keeping one eye on the job postings around here. Where I work, the only realistic way to be promoted in terms of title and pay is to find another position with progrssively higher job titles and pay. It's rare that you can stay in one place and be promoted.

That's the predicament that I find myself in. Realistically, looking at the prospects in the department and school where I work, there's no place to move up. Only option: move out. Early last week I applied for another job on campus, one that would move me up in title, pay, responsibility, and the administrative food chain. Friday morning I got a call back on the application, and it looks as though I'll be interviewing for the job sometime this coming week. This is four straight applications that I've gotten call backs on. Of the first three, I passed on one interview because I thought, at the time, I should stay where I'm at, another was grant funded with no guarantee of funding beyond two years (a HUGE gamble with state budgets being quite unpredictable these days), and I didn't like the environment in the third place. This latest application is for a newly created position, which worries me. Usually the FNGs (fucking new guys) don't get the best digs for their work environment. I've worked really hard to get to a point where I warrant my own office. If this new job doesn't come with an office, as stupid as it sounds, I'm not really interested anymore. I've worked the cubicle culture before, and I'm not going back.

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