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Monday, January 08, 2007


It's a new year and it's the time of year where everyone and their mother makes resolutions for the next 365 days (or 358 as I write this). Naturally most of our resolutions involve some sort of personal improvement: I want to lose weight. I want to quit smoking. I want to get in shape. I want to stop sniffing glue. I want to ditch my spouse or boy/girlfriend for that cute but dumber than a bag of hammers co-worker.

But I'll have none of that. We all know new year resolutions are like speed limit signs; as soon as they're made nobody really expects to abide by them. I'm just as out of shape now as I was this time last year. I'm about the same weight as I was this time last year. So fudge making any resolutions, save one, of course. I promise to do my best, but I resolve to get the season 1 & 2 DVD boxsets of the old "Emergency" television series. That show was the shit when I was a kid and made me want to grow up to be a firefighter (instead of an underachiever). And if you were a kid growing up during the early 70s, you should remember that swinging opening theme by Nelson Riddle.

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