Stumbled upon or was reminded of some interesting things this past weekend. My brother had his fortieth birthday, which is fine by me. I hated being the only one amongst my siblings who were in their forties. Now I have company and I can call someone else an old bastard for a change. I had the house to myself before heading to his surprise party on Saturday so I put Harold Lloyd's "The Freshman" from 1925 in the DVD player. I was only able to watch twenty minutes worth of the movie before I had leave. When the wife, daughter and I returned home later that afternoon, I turned the movie back on. Usually my daughter doesn't like to watch silent movies with me, but for some reason she sat down with me on this particular day. It didn't take long for me to realize that she was reading the captions which were so necessary to convey parts of the dialogue and storyline in silent movies. It then hit me that this was great reading practice for her! What a great idea: she's introduced to the 1920s comedic genius that was Harold Lloyd while at the same time practicing her reading skills!
I was also reminded of another good band from the 1980s. I found a couple of their videos on You Tube. This band's first two albums are really, really good. Do you know who they are? You get three guesses.
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