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Tuesday, February 26, 2008


A friend of mine just sent me a link to an article that included this video. Texas Republicans set up the voting districts so that the one for Prairie View A&M University was several miles away from the campus. A number of students from that school, wanting to participate in the state's early voting, did what anyone else would do: they marched several miles down the highway, blocking traffic, to cast their votes. Good job, folks!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Stupid is as stupid does

The human race never ceases to amaze me. Its capacity for good and evil, giving and taking, and every other point in between, it is just goes to show the range our species is capable of. For an untold number of months now I've been listening to a streaming online scanner for the local police department. It serves a two-fold purpose: letting me know if there have been any serious car accidents on my route home, and as background noise helping to dull the monotony of a typical work day.

This afternoon there was a most unusual dispatch. In the not too distant past someone broke into a local home, the thief making off with a number of owners' possessions. As they are wont to do, the burglar quickly sold off his ill-gotten booty and made a few bucks on his endeavour. Then the guilt set in (must be an amateur). Trying to make amends for his actions, Mr. Burglar took the money he made on the stolen goods and bought replacements for everything he stole.

However, Mr. Burglar, sensing a happy ending for all involved, horribly miscalculated. Rather than anonymously leaving the replacements for the stolen goods and by association his guilt for having taken them on the doorstep of the house he broke into, he calls the police to tell them what he's done and that he wants to make good. Of course, the police are more than happy to help him deliver his guilt to the homeowner's doorstep, and Mr. Burglar has learned that trying to make amends does not negate the fact that he actually committed a crime. He's currently 10-95 (in custody) and soon will be learning another valuable lesson, that being not to drop the soap.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I ♥ Huckabees

Have you ever seen a more motley crew than Mike Huckabee and his family? They should be tried for war crimes against humanity for the striped shirts alone. And here they sit, filled with God's love...and the all-you-can-eat Ryan's megabar. I'll bet they ate that dog, too, once this photo session was over. Wonder which one of those fat bastards in the back abused the animals at camp. Is it me or does the fat kid in the middle look like a real-life Eric Cartman from South Park?

Monday, February 04, 2008

Go Giants!!

My NY Giants won the game they weren't supposed to by beating the Patriots last night in the Super Bowl. So suck on that, Bill Belichick and Tom Brady.