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Monday, November 03, 2008

Holy crap!

The frequency at which I've been blogging has decreased quite a bit over the past year. This is due in large part because I've been focusing more time on my Flickr account and trying (trying is the key word here) to become a better photographer. I have a shotgun philosophy when it comes to taking pictures: point and shoot everything you see, then decide later on what's worth keeping. There are a few pictures in my collection that I'm genuinely pleased with; for the most part I think I could've taken most of my pictures better, either in composition or in exposure levels. But it seems the goofy shots are the ones people lock in on. At the moment there is one such goofy shot in the first page of my pictures. I posted it last Wednesday, and since then it has had, at last count, round 7,570 views. Consider that for the most part my pictures average between 20-40 views, with a couple in the 400-700 range. That I have a picture with over seven thousand views boggles my mind. But it's also pretty cool insofar that people are looking at my pictures. If you know me, then you know how to contact me for my Flickr account address.

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