Bad album covers
They're all over the internet--digital images of bad album covers. The imagery runs from outright laughable to what-the-hell-were-they-thinking. I thought I had seen all of the bad covers out there, but I found a few recently that deserve commentary.
Buy my record or I will eat you. Little David Wilkins, king of all the taverns. At first glance I thought perhaps he was British, but the lack of bad teeth indicated that he wasn't. Turns out he's from Nashville, Tennessee (go figure). Despite the fact the he's clutching his chest as a pork roast tries to make its way through his ascending aorta, this guy is still alive. He has his own website here, though the music that plays when the site loads has him singing about food. Stay away from the ham sandwiches, David. You remember how that worked out for Mama Cass.
When he's not beating his girlfriend or playing chicken with trains, RayBob here is making records. This is a true WTF album cover if I've ever seen one. I don't think I've ever heard his smash hit, "I Seen Her First," but it's a safe guess it was quickly followed up with his next smash hit, "You Sure Got a Perty Mouth." And that mullet...holy shit! If you've got more hair on the back of your head than on the sides, you're doing it wrong. Fail!
Let's make a record, Mr. Hat. Not since Mr. Garrison on South Park has there been such a successful man-puppet tag team duo in the entertainment world. Kind of hard to play guitar with a puppet on your fret board hand, isn't it, Don? Or are you Seymour? Fuck, guys, wear nametags or something so we know who's who! It's distinctly possible that the puppet has a better agent and thus wound up with top billing in this act.
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