I know I've been neglecting my blog of late. I've no excuse other than I've been distracting myself with my Flickr account and practicing photography. I think I'm a better photographer than a writer, anyway.
For my first post of 2008, some comments on the Iowa caucus, the results of which I am watching as I write this. For the past couple of weeks my wife has been asking me who I would be voting for in the Georgia primary, and I'm still undecided right now. My initial choice was Hillary Clinton, but the more I heard her and the other Democratic candidates speak, the more undecided I became. Of late I've been giving more attention to what John Edwards and Barack Obama have been preaching. I've given no thought whatsoever to the Republican candidates. From what I've observed the GOP candidates have been running on who's closer to Godliness, who's the true Christian, who's more moral and upstanding, rather than running on issues. Fuck that.
As far as the results from Iowa are concerned, I'm surprised but not surprised. No surprise to me to see Mike Huckabee win the GOP, though I was hoping to see him finish third or worse. I am surprised to see Rudy Giuliani get beaten like a drum, finishing near the bottom of the pack. I guess Rudy's 9/11 platform didn't play well in Iowa.
I'm also surprised to see Obama finish at the top of the Democratic contenders, and as I write this Edwards is declaring himself the second place finisher. Third place is not a good result for Hillary for all the money spent in just this one state.
But for now, I'm still undecided but a few of the candidates now have my attention. And remember, this is just Iowa. There is a long road ahead for all the candidates
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