Ah, the end of another semester. Once again students who have taken their last final exam today have been ringing the damned campus bell all friggin morning. There have been more "dongs" than a South Korean phonebook.
This morning looked like it was going to be "one of those days." You know the kind: something frustrating happens first thing and it sets the tone for the rest of the day. Today one of our faculty members met his class for their final exam, only to find another class in their classroom taking a final. Normally classes meet in the same place for finals as they've met for classes during the term. Not today. This class was never added to the final exam room schedule on campus. Oops!
The office that arranges rooms for classes managed to find another room a few doors down for this class' final exams. When the faculty member went to the room, he found it empty save for two females...in a back corner of the room...making out. This guy is pretty opened minded, so he wasn't bothered by the sight. He was, however, a little take aback by the response when he told them the room was needed for an exam. One of the girls replied, "Can we have ten minutes to finish up?" WTF? Ten minutes to finish what, pray tell? Holy shit...sometimes I love working on campus. Sorry, no pictures were taken.
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