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Friday, September 29, 2006
Anywhere but here....
A new job for myself would be a nice change of pace. My boss is a nice guy, but he's a dink. He loves coming up with new ideas that he will pawn off on others, let them do all the work, and he'll take all the credit for. He had one of our former front desk persons type most, if not all, of a three book volume he was working on--and then misspelled her name in the credits. Dink. Not to mention he looks at our meager operating budget as "his money." For example he wants to publish research papers four times a year and send them out to other colleges and universities. He obtained $2k in funding from somewhere on campus to do this; already the anticipated expense for just 3 mailings has hit $2,600. I'll take that extra money out of one of his research expense accounts before I tap our department's meager operating budget. I like my boss on a personal level, but in terms of administration and running this department, to restate, he's a dink.
It's a beautiful day out today, and I'm not doing anything that I want to be doing--either today or of late. With gas coming down to a more budget-manageable $2.10 a gallon, I want to take a day off and head to the mountains and go hiking. Not a short two or three mile trail, but one of the longer seven to twelve mile trails. The leaves seem to be turning much faster and earlier than usual this year. There are lots of yellows, and some reds and orange, even at this lower elevation. I'm sure the mountains are much more colorful now and would make a great subject for a day of photography. I want to go hit some small mountain towns and find apple butter or jugs of apple cider. I want to find a huge-ass pumpkin to set on my front porch and take a chance that some little bastard (like myself in my younger days) won't take it and smash my mailbox with it. Many years ago in kindergarten I remember going to a farm somewhere on Long Island where my classmates and I were to get a pumpkin to bring home for Halloween. My mom sent me with X amount of money, and damned if I didn't use it all and get the biggest pumpkin I could find--almost as big as I was! And damned if I couldn't carry the thing.
But no...I'm stuck here at work. Where would I'd rather be? Anywhere but here.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sie haben ein Datum.
Friday, September 22, 2006
New York's not my home...
A few weekends ago Nickelodeon ran a virtual festival of Brady Bunch episodes. Like a car wreck, I didn’t want to watch but couldn’t turn away either. It had been a long, long time since I sat and watched that many episodes of that show. When I was much younger I really enjoyed watching the Bradys when they came on. It would piss me off whenever Richard Nixon would preempt the show just so he could go on t.v. and proclaim that he was not a crook. I clearly recall telling my mom that I hoped George McGovern would win the 1972 presidential election because I hated Tricky Dick for taking the Bradys off the air on a number of evenings. I also recall my mom telling me it wasn’t nice to root for McGovern. Time would prove me correct. Even as a child I had better political instincts than my parents.
Most of the episodes I watched were from the early 1970s, and three things occurred to me as I watched. First, how many churchgoers these days grew up on that show, not knowing that the actor leading this iconic family was really gay? Hey folks! Your ideal dad putted from the rough! Second, how nice it must’ve been to deal with serious family problems in half an hour. Lastly, where was I in life when these episodes were first aired? At the time I was a youngster living on Long Island, enjoying life in the suburbs of New York.
Ever since that fateful Tuesday morning of the eleventh of September, 2001, I’ve felt what amounts to a certain homesickness for Long Island and New York. It’s a process that really started a few years before that with a sociology class I had and an assignment of researching and writing certain aspects of your family genealogy. At the time I was about to become a parent so gathering a family history was (and is) important to me. But none of this wouldn’t have been necessary had my family not moved from New York to Georgia better than thirty years ago. Why we moved is beyond me; ostensibly it was because my dad had found a job in Georgia, so we packed up the truck and headed south. Once I was asked what brought me to Georgia during voir dire while serving on jury duty. My response was: “I was nine years old and too young to argue with my parents.” That got a laugh from the gathered jury-fodder. But life once we got to Georgia was strikingly different from what it once was in New York.
At the time I was watching the Brady Bunch as first run episodes my family was living in Uniondale, home of the New York Islanders. One of our neighbors was a plumber who worked on the Nassau County Coliseum while it was being constructed; I remember him coming home on quite a few occasions wearing an eye patch because he had suffered some sort of injury. The neighborhood was typical suburbia: modestly sized houses with modestly sized yards, sidewalks that ran the entire length of the block (not common in Georgia), trees lining both sides of Hawthorne Avenue.

Our neighbors were great too. Right across the street from our house lived an elderly lady, Mrs. Rugheimer, or Ruggie as everyone called her. I really wish I had a time machine for many reasons. Her house was literally like walking into an antiques shop, a collection of items accumulated during her long life and her husband’s days working on the construction of the Panama Canal. As a kid I didn’t appreciate her house, and I think the scary bear skin rug you encountered when you entered her house had a lot to do with it. She taught me many things, including how to tie my shoes. You were also aware to be on your best behavior when Ruggie was around as she had no problems telling you when you were misbehaving and then letting your parents know. Ruggie was truly a one of a kind lady and a very special early influence in my life. She died in 1984 a few months shy of her 92nd birthday.
Next to us lived the Hanson family. Mr. Hanson was the plumber I mentioned earlier who worked on the Nassau County Coliseum. Mrs. Hanson was Irish (or maybe Scottish, I can’t remember exactly), and my parents would put one of the stereo speakers in the kitchen window and blare one of their albums of bagpipe music as a cue that it was time to come over for drinks. Across the street and next to Ruggie lived the Friedel family. Their kids were a little older than my siblings and me, but they were often guests in our yard and attendees at birthday parties.
There a quite a number of other kids in the neighborhood, you could ride your bike or big wheel all the way up the block without worrying about street traffic. You could also ride around the corner to Frank’s candy store for a sugar fix (if you had saved your pennies or the Tooth Fairy was generous) or to the Sunoco gas station, where I would go to complete my collection of NFL player stickers they were giving out in 1972 (or where my dad would take my brother’s bike and mine to put air in the tires only to know things had gone wrong by the sound of a small explosion as he over inflated them). The neighborhood where my mother-in-law lives in Michigan reminds me a lot of where I lived in Uniondale; so much so that the first time my wife and I visited her mom after our daughter was born I spent a fair amount of time just walking around the neighborhood and enthusiastically offering to shovel the driveway when it snowed (oddly enough nobody objected to my volunteering). I don’t know what the neighborhood on Hawthorne Avenue is like now, but thirty-five years ago it was a great place to be a kid.
I went to school at Cedar Street School for kindergarten, followed by California Avenue School for first through third grades. Miss Van Note was my kindergarten teacher at Cedar Street, and our afternoon class was her first teaching assignment after graduating from college back in 1970. I remember our classroom was a fairly large space with a bathroom at one side of the room, an area set up like a house at the other, and

Sports and entertainment were never short on supply in Uniondale. In the winters they would fill the tennis courts with water and create outdoor ice skating rinks. It was at the Uniondale public park that I learned to ice skate. It was there that I also found out how hard ice is when you fall on it. After we left New York it would be twenty-seven years before I would don ice skates again. It was during our last trip to Michigan in 2001 when I would go ice skating again. For the first few minutes it was a very dicey affair as I tried to figure out how to keep my balance. But after about ten minutes all the training I had undergone in Uniondale came back to me and I was skating fairly well for someone who hadn’t tried to balance themselves on two blades for almost three decades. During the warmer months there were backyard missions that GI Joe had to conduct, and untold numbers of dangerous jumps that our Evel Knievel stunt cycles performed. Of course there was little league baseball to play, and the team I played on would practice on the open field across the street from Uniondale High School. That year our team was sponsored by Associated Supermarket; our blue uniform shirts had a fairly large ‘Super A’ on the backs. I can’t remember how well our team did in 1974, but I do recall that I didn’t play very well my first year in little league and that our team went to Shea Stadium that spring to see a preseason game between the Mets and Yankees.
In the summer there were always parties going on either at our house or at a relative’s. I can recall many a summertime gathering at our house, in particular one evening when a few alcohol-emboldened family members, my dad included, went skinny dipping in our above ground pool which I had the unfortunate circumstance to witness. About the time they dove in Ruggie turned on her front porch light across the street, causing well-founded concern amongst the "adults" in the pool. I don’t remember it, but it was at a party at my uncle’s house when I was two years old that I learned to tap a keg and pull a beer (I didn’t drink, just played bartender). There's a picture in a photo album my mom prepared for me as a high school graduation present as proof of my all-important life lesson. It’s a skill that’s come in handy as I’ve gotten older.
Summertime entertainment would not be complete without mentioning watching Fourth of July fireworks at Eisenhower Park or waiting in line for milk at the Dairy Barn, a drive thru milk store, or trips to Jones Beach to go swimming. Of course, who could forget going to fire tournaments during the summer? To the uninitiated, these tournaments were in essence fire companies from all over Long Island who’d get together and compete in a series of skill drills: connecting hoses to hydrants; planting, raising, and scaling ladders. It sounds pretty simple but the tournaments are very competitive and damned impressive to watch. Check out someone’s album of fire tourney pix on Webshots. And these too.
There’s so much about New York and Long Island that I could write about, but I think I’ve rambled on enough. When I posted my comments for the fifth anniversary of 9/11 I emailed the link to one of my former neighbors from Uniondale. After almost thirty-two years she was a little surprised as to how much I still identify myself with New York. And I think what I wrote to her is a fitting end to this entry. I may have spent most of my life in Georgia but I’m still a New Yorker at heart. I’m a fan of the Giants and the Islanders. I’ve been to Safetytown, Nunley’s, and the Jolly Roger. I know you go to Eisenhower Park to play and Roosevelt Field to shop.
New York’s not my home. But it used to be.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Eight lanes of Chaos
Which is why I’m surprised yet not surprised to find some of the worst driving in town not in or around campus, but at my daughter’s elementary school. Within the past year the county has upgraded the four-way intersection in front of the school from four lanes to eight lanes, adding a turn lane to each direction. I thought they would be adding a traffic signal to help control the flow of cars but that’s not going to happen. Without any signal or a cop to direct traffic, it’s eight lanes of chaos each weekday morning.
Traditionally the rule of thumb is if you’re first to the line, you’re the first to go. The rule of thumb is chopped off each morning as lines of self-absorbed parents jockey their way to get their kids to school on time, regardless of who they cutoff or, sometimes, even if the crossing guard is hold her stop sign as kids cross the street. One morning only a few weeks ago the guard was starting to escort a young girl across the intersection. They had just entered the crosswalk, the guard holding her stop sign well in hand so everyone could see it. The asshole in front of me figures he’s got time before they’re in his way so he proceeds to ignore the stop sign and go anyway. I see him and his piece of crap, rust-covered white van almost every morning, and every morning I shoot him an “eat shit and die” look. How self-absorbed can one be that they’re willing to run over someone else’s kid so that their kid makes it to school on time.
I had noted this bad driving parent phenomenon quite some time ago. On those occasions when I found myself driving through a school zone in the mornings it never failed that I would be passed by a parent driving well in excess of the 25 mile per hour limit and watch as they would cut off oncoming traffic and pull into the school driveway. Long before I was a parent I was looking forward to the day when having a carseat in my vehicle would grant me sovereign immunity from speeding tickets in school zones.
Once you’ve managed to get through the four-way intersection in front of the school, the front driveway turns out to be worse than the intersection. If I had a dollar for every thoughtless, rude, and downright stupid act of “driving” I’ve seen in the front driveway at my daughter’s school, I could retire right now. On many occasions I’ve been cutoff by other drivers who had just dropped off their kid(s), one instance requiring that I slam on the brakes causing my daughter, who was just getting out of her booster seat, to go flying between the two front seats of my van and into the dashboard. How one misses a large silver van with the headlights on is beyond me. Just last week someone parked at an angle in front of the building; with a line of cars coming in, this one, thoughtless person effectively blocked in the four cars already there when he/she/it decided it was more important to get their kid to class on time—and then walk them in, perhaps to argue with any teacher who dared give their kid a tardy.
Sure, we’re all dropping our kids off in hopes that they’ll learn something useful on any given day. It seems some of the parents need to spend some time at the desks as well. As I’ve said before, for a college town we’ve a lot of stupid people around here.
So much younger then
Monday, September 11, 2006
For 9/11
At the beginning of 2002 I was asked to write a brief commentary reflecting on the attacks of September 11, 2001, for the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society for inclusion in a book of remembrances they were compiling. The entries for
For me there are only a handful of days for which my recollection of them are so clear it is as if I’m still living those minutes and hours: the day my father passed away, the day my daughter was born, the day Elvis died, and September 11, 2001. That particular Tuesday broke sunny and clear, for all intents a very nice, uneventful day. I had a 9 am class that day, and it was in my criminology class that we first heard that a plane had crashed into the
By this time the first WTC tower had collapsed. Stunned, I made my way to my next class upstairs, where other students were talking about what had happened. I mentioned that one of the towers had collapsed and someone said that both towers had collapsed. Both? That couldn’t be, I told myself. I was young when I lived on
I headed back to my car to head home for a little while before I had to go to work. The rock station I normally listened to had been preempted for news about what had happened in
I made it home and immediately turned on the news. It was there that I finally was able to see video of the morning’s attacks in
By the time I made it in to work most of the major news services had been able to respond to the massive amounts of bandwidth being asked of them that day. The afternoon was spent watching streaming news coverage of the tragedies. Five o’clock rolled around and I headed off to pick up my then two-year old daughter from daycare. I felt a sense of urgency this time for no apparent reason. As I turned onto the road where her daycare was located, I listened to the live coverage on the radio as WTC 7 collapsed. It truly had been one exceptionally horrible day. I arrived at the daycare and found my daughter in the area where all the children would gather at the end of the day waiting for their parents. “Daddy!” she yelled as she came running. For her it was just another day. I gave her a big hug as I usually did, but it was different this day. There was a renewed appreciation for her and my role as parent/protector, and for everyone who plays an important role in my life. How many children had lost one or both parents that day and would never experience the simple act of a hug again? I made the most of that hug on that afternoon.
That was five years ago, half a decade, 1,825 days, 260 weeks—and I still remember it like it was yesterday. Watching a documentary yesterday on the construction and destruction of the
Hanging by the front door at my home is a black and white print I purchased and framed this past summer. It’s entitled “Manhattan Morning” and features the
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Breaker one-nine!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Technology & the Bully
Happy Birthday to me....
I've participated in many sports over the years, but I can say that I am pretty competant when it comes to bowling. While working at Rhone Merieux I was once asked to help organize a company-wide bowling tournament, and I was glad to help. A bunch of people signed up, and I helped assign them to teams based on their assessment of their skills (beginner, advanced, etc.). When the night of the tournament came I realized to my horror that I had put two really good bowlers together on one team; it was almost a certainty that they'd win the contest. That evening I threw my best three game series ever, around a 650, including my personal high game of a 277. We wound up in a first-place tie with the team I accidently put two skilled bowlers on.
Like golf, it's a bit harder than it looks; throwing one good game is one thing, throwing three good games in a series is another. Unlike golf, I'm pretty good at bowling and have done it long enough where I don't feel the need to practice anymore to keep an average in the 170 range. So little things like practice and doing some workouts didn't seem to be that important. I forgot, however, that I'm closer to forty-one than twenty-one and perhaps a little practice and a few workouts might have been in order.
The first week of the league passed uneventfully. I finished injury free and with a total series score that earned me a 151 average--not bad but a little under what I'm capable of. The pulled muscles made themselves known starting the next morning. Most of the following few days were spent either with plenty of Advils in my system, on the heating pad, or both. It took a few days but everything felt ready for another night of league bowling. I showed up at the bowling alley last evening confident that my muscle pulls were healed and could look forward to beng rid of such problems for the remainder of the season. Boy was I wrong. On my first practice throw my left bicep let me know that it was still not quite over the experience of hurling a sixteen pound ball at fifteen miles per hour an untold number of times the week before. That was okay, I thought, I can play through that. On my second practice throw my left quadricep gave me a little warning twinge. Standing away from where everyone was lining up to take their practice throws I tried to stretch out my quads. After many years of playing soccer and trail hiking in the mountains my quads are fairly well stretched and I rarely pull them. But they seemed to be really tight as I went through my usual stretching routines. Satisfied I had taken care of my quads, I headed back in line to take another practice throw.
For the record, if a muscle is nice enough to give you a warning twinge, pay heed to it. On my third practice throw my left quad decided that if I wasn't going to pay attention to it, it would do something more drastic to get my attention. My approach to the foul line was met with a sharp pain in my upper left leg, sharp enough to cause me to instantly break into a sweat. I limped back off the approached and sat down, mentally evaluating this new turn of events and whether or not I could continue. It was obvious that I couldn't continue and that to even try to would likely only worsen whatever injury I had just endured. So I packed up my stuff and headed home to put ice on my upper leg.
I awoke this morning expecting to find that my quadricep had tightened up, but that wasn't the case. It didn't hurt like it did last night, but it was still uncomfortable. Apparently I've strained or sprained the muscle as it's obviously not a pull. As it turned out, my daughter wanted me to walk her into school this morning, so I obliged her. She asked if my leg still hurt, and finding out it still did, began running to the front door. That was nice of her, considering I couldn't run after her. So my first birthday present of the year seems to be a nasty sprain of my left quadricep. They say to keep a sprain elevated, but there's no way I can do that at my job without looking like some sort of pervert. Keep your comments to yourself, Sylvia.